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' transform%3D'scale(1.1)'%3E%3Cpath fill%3D'%234d514d' fill-opacity%3D'.6' d%3D'M126 215 94 142l84-15z' %2F%3E%3Cpath fill%3D'%2366645d' fill-opacity%3D'.6' d%3D'M98.8 149.6 72.6 114 5.7-16l78 114.3z' %2F%3E%3Cpath fill%3D'%235e6363' fill-opacity%3D'.8' d%3D'M186 163.9l1.4-3.6L149.7 83l17.1 68.9z' %2F%3E%3Cg transform%3D'translate(122 229) rotate(165) scale(41.5 14.1)'%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%23717173' fill-opacity%3D'.4' cx%3D'0' cy%3D'0' rx%3D'1' ry%3D'1' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg transform%3D'translate(145 25) rotate(465) scale(53.2 114.8)'%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%23fff' fill-opacity%3D'.8' cx%3D'0' cy%3D'0' rx%3D'1' ry%3D'1' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg transform%3D'translate(159 172) rotate(191) scale(30 44)'%3E%3Cpath fill%3D'%23fff' fill-opacity%3D'.8' d%3D'M-.5-.5h1v1h-1z' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cpath fill%3D'%23020801' fill-opacity%3D'.2' d%3D'M47 113.7l62.1-31.2L24 160.4l-1.6-24.8z' %2F%3E%3Cg transform%3D'translate(13 205) rotate(-33) scale(65 249)'%3E%3Cpath fill%3D'%23fff' fill-opacity%3D'.9' d%3D'M-.5-.5h1v1h-1z' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
' transform%3D'scale(1.1)'%3E%3Cg transform%3D'translate(126 123) rotate(74) scale(31.6 119.2)'%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%23a7712a' fill-opacity%3D'.6' cx%3D'0' cy%3D'0' rx%3D'1' ry%3D'1' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cpath fill%3D'%23fff' fill-opacity%3D'1' d%3D'M268 34-16 127 6-16z' %2F%3E%3Cg transform%3D'translate(152 200) rotate(345) scale(201.7 51.0)'%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%23feffff' fill-opacity%3D'.9' cx%3D'0' cy%3D'0' rx%3D'1' ry%3D'1' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cpath fill%3D'%23aa9171' fill-opacity%3D'.8' d%3D'M69 189.3 8.5 115.1l13 54.9L60 195.5z' %2F%3E%3Cpath fill%3D'%23b79565' fill-opacity%3D'.9' d%3D'M239.1 86.7 234.6 128 21.8 174.6l191.3-106z' %2F%3E%3Cpath fill%3D'%23e1ba97' fill-opacity%3D'.9' d%3D'M17.1 144.1 153 107.7 103.6 96 16.2 116.4z' %2F%3E%3Cg transform%3D'translate(170 27) rotate(258) scale(52.2 145.2)'%3E%3Cellipse fill%3D'%23fff' fill-opacity%3D'.9' cx%3D'0' cy%3D'0' rx%3D'1' ry%3D'1' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cpath fill%3D'%238a7864' fill-opacity%3D'.7' d%3D'M84.9 190.7l3.7-56L32 162l44.1-11.7z' %2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
$128.00 AUD

Jiffy Mixer - Large
$128.00 AUD
Approx $79.74 USD
**FREE shipping Australia wide!
Jiffy mixers are specialist resin flooring mix blades we have used for many years with great results.
Made from 304 polished stainless steel, the unique design delivers the following mixing benefits:
Optimum mix action – Most mixers used in our industry are designed to force the mix down against the
bottom of the bucket. This is fine for blending aggregates into resins, but not ideal for mixing two-pack resins themselves. This
blade is designed for a max. speed of 1000rpm and tends to work best at 450-750rpm (thorough blend without the splatter).
Reduced air entrapment – Trapping too much air can not only create visual issues, it can also compromise performance. Using
any old blade to mix floor coatings only sets you up for inconsistent results and a host of film defects, which often lead to disputes and
warranty claims.
Durable construction – Mixers should not be a constant source of contamination. These mixers have a stainless steel
construction (rather than mild steel) so it can handle being cleaned with solvents.
The large Jiffy mix blades are designed to mix up to 15 litres.